Andrey Timofeev
Paul Benson
For The United Nations Office of Project Services
August 5, 2006 – August 10, 2006
Project Summary
The United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS) in collaboration the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (AYSPS) Georgia State University (GSU), developed a detailed course covering the theoretical and applied dimensions of local government service delivery and intergovernmental fiscal relations, with a focus on developing and transition countries.
The program covers:
- Designing and implementing fiscal systems for effective local government;
- Incentivizing improvements in local service delivery fiscal decentralization as a development strategy;
- Public private partnerships for financing local services, local budgeting and financial management in developing countries;
- Decentralized provision of education services; and
- Options for local taxes and local revenue mobilization
Project Publications
* Analysis and redesign of the Intergovernmental fiscal relations and its impact on the territorial
* Sub-national Governance Training
* Analysis and redesign of intergovernmental fiscal relations and their impact on territorial equity
* Inter-municipal Cooperation for the Provision of Public Services