In April 2017, Musharraf Cyan, Mark Rider, and Michael Price published a working paper exploring the effect urban renewal in the provincial capital of Peshawar, Pakistan has on its citizens’ trust in government.
Musharraf Cyan, Mark Rider, and Michael Price. 2017. “Peshawar Uplift: The Effect of Urban Development on Citizens’ Perceptions” IDEAS/RePEc: Economics and Finance Research. RePEc:ays:ispwps:paper1709.
“The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Peshawar Uplift Program. Peshawar city has been under extreme stress because of the law and order situation. New investments are not forthcoming from the private sector, and many affluent Peshawarites have left the city. Therefore, the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) is making infrastructure investments to make the provincial capital Peshawar more environmentally friendly, people centered, and aesthetically pleasing. The purpose of these investments is to restore citizen trust, to attract residents who had moved away during the crisis period, and to attract private investment. This evaluation focuses on investments to improve the Grand Trunk Road, which is a major thoroughfare running through Peshawar. The evaluation consists of asking a random sample of individuals to answer a questionnaire that includes a number of statements about the effect of the GoKP’s investments on the appearance, traffic flow, and safety of the Grand Trunk Road.” –IDEAS/RePEc:Economics and Finance Research-