In April 2017, Musharraf Cyan, Mark Rider, and Michael Price published a working paper exploring the impact legal literacy has on citizens’ trust of legal systems in Pakistan.
Musharraf Cyan, Mark Rider, and Michael Price. 2017. “Building Trust in State through Legal Literacy: An RCT in the Tribal Areas & Frontier Regions of Pakistan” IDEAS/RePEc: Economics and Finance Research. RePEc:ays:ispwps:paper1712.
” FATA have been the hotspot of militancy and violence in the last decade. During this time period, ordinary lives have been ravaged by militancy. Almost 80,000 troops from Pakistan’s military have been engaged in operations in the area. Air and drone strikes carried out in these areas have been the focus of periodic attention. In an ongoing operation in a southern agency of FATA, nearly 264,000 families have become internally displaced (IDP). This evaluation was planned to ascertain the citizen perceptions and trust in FATA’s administrative and legal institutions. It was designed and implemented as a legal literacy intervention in a randomized controlled trial. The key evaluation question was to what extent legal literacy can influence citizen perceptions and trust in the legal system of FATA and will it affect the uptake of opportunity for accessing justice created by FATA Tribunal.” –IDEAS/RePEc:Economics and Finance Research-