This is Ma. Rosario Curiba from the Information Systems Group of the Bureau of Internal Revenue of the Government of the Philippines. She participated in the 1 week Evaluation and Monitoring module of a three-week training for Government Officials from the Ministry of Finance in the Philippines. The entire 3 week training consisted of a 1 week module on Evaluation and Monitoring, a 1 week Fiscal Policy Study Tour module, and a project management module. The first two modules were delivered by Georgia State and the 3rd week was done in collaboration with Georgia Tech. Each week we hosted approximately 20 participants from 3 departments which included the Department of Budget and Management, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Department of Finance. The training was provided with support from USAID from the American People through a subcontract that ICePP holds with Development Alternatives, Inc.
Government Officials from Phillipines Attend Evaluation and Monitoring Training.